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Posted by Viv of CA on 4/4/06 9:30pm Msg #111057
Thanks guys. I am reading through the handbook to double check as well. When I asked
her for other forms of ID she said she had nothing. Will work it out and apprecicate your help.
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Messages in this Thread
 ID QUESTION - Viv on 4/4/06 8:36pm
 Use two credible witnesses. n/m -  Mung/CA on 4/4/06 9:21pm
 This would not qualify as a credible witness situation n/m - CaliNotary on 4/4/06 10:31pm
 Why would this not be a 2 credible witnesses I.D? -  Joan Bergstrom on 4/5/06 2:43am
 Re: Why would this not be a 2 credible witnesses I.D? - CaliNotary on 4/5/06 11:49am
 Re: Why would this not be a 2 credible witnesses I.D? -  PAW on 4/5/06 11:53am
 You're exactly right Paul - CaliNotary on 4/5/06 4:40pm
 Viv Re: ID QUESTION - Pamela on 4/4/06 9:27pm
 Re: Viv Re: ID QUESTION - Viv on 4/4/06 9:30pm
 Viv - Pamela on 4/4/06 9:41pm
 Re: ID QUESTION -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 9:56pm
 Why are you second guessing yourself? - CaliNotary on 4/4/06 10:28pm

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