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Re: How very refreshing... Question to TitleGal
Posted by  John_NorCal of CA on 4/4/06 9:44pm Msg #111062
Does the fact that title companies in Calif come under the jurisdiction of the Dept of Insurance have any bearing with brokers, etc wanting an aba with the title company? Since escrow companies are regulated by the Dept of Corporations, I can see them attempting to get that piece of the action. Just wondering how title companies are affected.
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Messages in this Thread
 Can I ask a question....? - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 2:25pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/4/06 3:06pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Anonymous from on 4/4/06 5:44pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:02pm
 Thank you for sharing this info... -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/4/06 6:14pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....?Very well said-Thanks n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/4/06 6:25pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....?Very well said-Thanks -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/4/06 6:26pm
 How very refreshing... -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 6:32pm
 Re: How very refreshing... - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:38pm
 Re: How very refreshing... -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 6:49pm
 Re: How very refreshing... - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:53pm
 Re: How very refreshing... Question to TitleGal -  John_NorCal on 4/4/06 9:44pm
 John, I'll have to ask. -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 10:10pm
 Well done... -  Sherri_NWA on 4/4/06 10:51pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - MichiganAl on 4/4/06 8:58pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 10:24pm

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