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Yep.... a Poser is Charm
Posted by  TitleGalCA of CA on 4/4/06 10:44pm Msg #111081
And it's not disgusting...just the game...and the "Rules".

Remember the book..."Rules" (darn it, I probably didn't say the entire title, or the author) but it made the NY Times bestseller list. See, it's all about the readers and what they want.

Call the NY Times and complain...end your subscription. Nobody really cares, because it's a good post and reminder. The sour grapes just don't matter.
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 OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - SarahBeth_CA on 4/3/06 12:03pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - Dee_Fla on 4/3/06 12:42pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - SarahBeth_CA on 4/3/06 12:54pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - LauriecPA on 4/3/06 1:34pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - SarahBeth_CA on 4/3/06 1:47pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - LauriecPA on 4/3/06 1:58pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month - SarahBeth_CA on 4/3/06 2:07pm
 Re: OT-April Is National Autism Awarness Month -  kkdmiddleton on 4/3/06 2:24pm
 How Come Charm hasn't shut this down??? Oh, yeah,... buddies - Anonymous from on 4/4/06 1:13pm
 Re: How Come Charm hasn't shut this down??? Oh, yeah,... buddies -  Charm_AL on 4/4/06 1:19pm
 Re: How Come Charm hasn't shut this down??? Oh, yeah,... buddies - LilyMD on 4/4/06 1:24pm
 Re: How Come Charm hasn't shut this down??? Oh, yeah,... buddies - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 10:38pm
 Yep.... a Poser is Charm -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 10:44pm
 Re: Yep.... a Poser is Charm - Dee_Fla on 4/5/06 11:11am
 Dee_FL -  TitleGalCA on 4/5/06 2:51pm

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