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Mindi Barnes/Floridas Best Closer
Posted by Bonnie/FL of FL on 4/5/06 3:13am Msg #111097
I just got an update to my Plaxo address book on 3/30/06 stating Mindi Barnes was unemployed. Does she not work for Florida's Best Closers anymore? Anyone know?
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Messages in this Thread
 Mindi Barnes/Floridas Best Closer - Bonnie/FL on 4/5/06 3:13am
 I believe Mindi is the owner of Floridas Best Closer... - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 7:57am
 Re: Mindi Barnes/Floridas Best Closer -  Becca_FL on 4/5/06 8:04am
 Do you know who she sold to Becca? Just curious...I used to - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 8:11am
 Re: Do you know who she sold to Becca? Just curious...I used to - on 4/6/06 7:12am
 Re: Mindi Barnes/Floridas Best Closer - on 4/6/06 7:11am
 Bonnie, What is Plaxo? n/m - BP/WV on 4/5/06 8:06am
 Correct me if I am wrong but I use Plaxo as well - SLB SIGNING SERVICES, INC. - Sherry on 4/5/06 8:26am

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