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Re: Mentoring
Posted by Julie/MI of MI on 4/5/06 9:41am Msg #111155
I mentored so many in the beginning they are now my competition. I figured what goes around comes around, well now they are all undercutting, but this has forced me to find different means to close loans. Luckily, my previous employement at a title company has opened some doors for me.

There are a few on this board, from the SE Michigan area that are my competition. I have seen settlement statements on loans they have previously closed and saw $95 for Transcontinental for edocs. This particular notary came over 50 miles from their base according to notaryrotary, all for $95 when I was charging $150.

Gas is up from 2001, toner, paper all is up and some people think $95 for edocs for 100 round trip is easy money. Nope no more mentoring for me.Frown

I will NOT mentor in ANY state so I do not increase the competition in any "old timers" backyard. Many of the veterans worked and tried trial and error to pave the way for fees just to be schmucked by newbies.
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Messages in this Thread
 Mentoring - PJM/MI on 4/5/06 8:45am
 Re: Mentoring - Julie/MI on 4/5/06 9:41am
 Forgot........ - Julie/MI on 4/5/06 10:01am
 That's why most of us don't mentor Julie... - Korey Humphreys on 4/5/06 10:25am
 Re: Mentoring - Drakester_IA on 4/5/06 10:35am
 Re: Mentoring -  MelissaCT on 4/5/06 11:03am
 Re: Mentoring - one way street in the newbies favor n/m - Colonel_IA on 4/5/06 1:25pm
 Re: Mentoring - one way street in the newbies favor - patricia on 4/5/06 1:28pm
 Yep - MichiganAl on 4/5/06 3:37pm

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