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That's why most of us don't mentor Julie...
Posted by Korey Humphreys of MA on 4/5/06 10:25am Msg #111178
Your post is great! It's the prime reason why most of us don't mentor competition.

I'm sorry you lost work because of it though, as with everything bad, just take it as a lesson learned and never repeat.

Happy future signings.
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Messages in this Thread
 Mentoring - PJM/MI on 4/5/06 8:45am
 Re: Mentoring - Julie/MI on 4/5/06 9:41am
 Forgot........ - Julie/MI on 4/5/06 10:01am
 That's why most of us don't mentor Julie... - Korey Humphreys on 4/5/06 10:25am
 Re: Mentoring - Drakester_IA on 4/5/06 10:35am
 Re: Mentoring -  MelissaCT on 4/5/06 11:03am
 Re: Mentoring - one way street in the newbies favor n/m - Colonel_IA on 4/5/06 1:25pm
 Re: Mentoring - one way street in the newbies favor - patricia on 4/5/06 1:28pm
 Yep - MichiganAl on 4/5/06 3:37pm

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