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Jurat question... I need answer ASAP.
Posted by ADM/CA of CA on 4/6/06 4:00am Msg #111458
Hello everyone, I need some help...I have three forms that I need to notarize (1. Errors and omissions/compliance agreement 2.Occupancy Affidavit and Financial Status 3. Name Affidavit) apparently all these forms are asking for affirmations, all the forms say: “Sworn to and subscribe before me this ____ day of ____”. So I'm assuming they all require a Jurat stamp, Right? Unless my stamp doesn't fit, then I'll attach a loose Jurat Certificate, Right? I want to know if I can write in the Jurat verbiage instead, then place my notary seal? I'm confused, because I had a signing last night and the Error and Omissions Form had the same verbiage, I only filled out the date and stamped it without the Jurat verbiage, the weird thing is that escrow did not have a problem with the way it was notarized. What should I do?

Please help!!! = )
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Messages in this Thread
 Jurat question... I need answer ASAP. - ADM/CA on 4/6/06 4:00am
 You must not decide ... - Ernest__CT on 4/6/06 6:18am
 The dangers of answering questions for other states - CaliNotary on 4/6/06 12:13pm
 What is preprinted on the document? -  PAW on 4/6/06 7:52am
 Re: Jurat question... I need answer ASAP. - BP/WV on 4/6/06 7:52am
 Aileen - The Jurat Verbiage you Described is NOT compliant -  Kelly M Robertson on 4/6/06 9:15am
 Re: Jurat question... I need answer ASAP. -  Tina_MA on 4/6/06 11:58am
 Tina, you're MEAN and RUDE - CaliNotary on 4/6/06 12:16pm
 Re: Tina, you're MEAN and RUDE -  Tina_MA on 4/6/06 12:37pm
 Re: Thank you! - ADM/CA on 4/6/06 6:03pm

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