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no copies = no sign
Posted by Anonymous from of CO on 4/6/06 5:51pm Msg #111670
** When they sign the RTC is states they received 2 copies. If they are to receive them later on, then they shouldn't sign the RTC, because they have not received them. **

Just my opinion, but if I'm the borrower, and the signing agent begins by telling me that he doesn't have a set of borrower's copies for me, I'm not signing ANYTHING. If the lender doesn't think I deserve to get copies of the loan package at the time of the closing, they don't deserve my business.
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Messages in this Thread
 Borrowers copies. I have a Chicago Title (in NV) who sent - SignerCA on 4/6/06 3:26pm
 Re: Borrowers copies. I have a Chicago Title (in NV) who sent - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 3:44pm
 I hear you except... - SignerCA on 4/6/06 3:47pm
 Not to mention.... - PA_Notary_II on 4/6/06 3:48pm
 Re: Not to mention.... - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 3:53pm
 Re: Not to mention.... - PA_Notary_II on 4/6/06 3:58pm
 Re: Not to mention.... -  PAW on 4/6/06 4:09pm
 PAW - Paul Rametta on 4/6/06 4:41pm
 Paul... - eXpedN_TX on 4/6/06 4:48pm
 eXpedN_TX - PA_Notary_II on 4/6/06 5:14pm
 Re: eXpedN_TX - JUST MY SPIN...PA_NII -  BrendaTx on 4/6/06 6:23pm
 Re: PAW -  PAW on 4/6/06 8:33pm
 Copy suggestion... - eXpedN_TX on 4/6/06 4:42pm
 Good suggestion, thanks n/m - SignerCA on 4/6/06 4:48pm
 How I've handled it - Dorothy_MI on 4/6/06 4:56pm
 Great ideas guys, thanks again n/m - SignerCA on 4/6/06 5:01pm
 no copies = no sign - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 5:51pm
 Re: no copies = no sign Anonymous/penny pinchers -  TitleGalCA on 4/6/06 10:05pm
 Re: no copies = no sign Anonymous/penny pinchers - Anonymous from on 4/6/06 10:17pm
 Anon...(why anon, anyways) -  TitleGalCA on 4/6/06 10:34pm
 Re: How I've handled it - a great answer Dorothy n/m -  TitleGalCA on 4/6/06 10:07pm
 Here's the deal with TC's and copies. -  TitleGalCA on 4/6/06 9:56pm
 Re: Here's the deal with TC's and copies. - Ah Ha!! TLEGAL: -  BrendaTx on 4/6/06 10:52pm
 Aha back.... -  TitleGalCA on 4/6/06 11:05pm
 Re: Aha back....Does cheese on a bait hook work? -  BrendaTx on 4/6/06 11:08pm

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