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Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm
Posted by cyndi_ca of CA on 5/19/06 9:49am Msg #120995
thanks Brenda. Are you at liberty to say what perhaps may be going on with her?
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Messages in this Thread
 Starting a new thread re: Charm - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 9:39am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 9:43am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 9:47am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 9:49am
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 10:21am
 Brenda, those are the words of a good steward -  MistarellaFL on 5/19/06 10:31am
 Re: Brenda, those are the words of a good Mistarella - OT -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 11:34am
 Brenda...tsk tsk tsk - Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 1:57pm
 Re: Brenda...Winny...I am not even sure what you... -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 3:22pm
 Re: Brenny...Winny...I am not even sure what you... - Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 3:42pm
 But, Winny, you talk so purty... -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 4:41pm
 My check is in the mail, BrendaTx! n/m - Marlene/USNA on 5/19/06 10:34am
 Re: My check is in the mail, BrendaTx! Maureen - -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 11:35am
 Re: Charm - Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 9:55am
 Re: We miss you Charm! Feel better soon!!!! n/m - ColleenCA on 5/19/06 10:08am
 Winston and Brenda. Thanks for the info. - cyndi_ca on 5/19/06 11:53am
 Re: We miss you Charm! Feel better soon!!!! - Tess/ME on 5/19/06 1:28pm
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm - Cornerstone Signing Service, Inc on 5/19/06 1:52pm
 Re: Starting a new thread re: Charm - Brenda/CA on 5/19/06 2:31pm

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