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IReP unsigned checks revisited; number to complain
Posted by Julie/MI of MI on 5/19/06 12:11pm Msg #121061
my sister is one who received one of the unsigned checks for over $1,000. Her rent was due and she was counting on that money. IReP told her she could fedex AT HER EXPENSE the check and enclose a return prepaid fedex for the return. This is unacceptable.

Household needs to know about this. They are always in trouble, they don't need more Smile

Here is a number, that MAY or MAY not be helpful.

866.825.2907 extension 48923

Mary Jones

poor Mary...................
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Messages in this Thread
 IReP unsigned checks revisited; number to complain - Julie/MI on 5/19/06 12:11pm
 Re: IReP unsigned checks revisited; number to complain -  BrendaTx on 5/19/06 12:15pm
 Re: IReP unsigned checks revisited; number to complain -  Stamper_WI on 5/19/06 12:16pm
 Re: IReP unsigned checks revisited; number to complain - Julie/MI on 5/19/06 12:37pm
 Re: IReP unsigned checks revisited; number to complain - Dee_Fla on 5/19/06 12:26pm
 Have they done this before? n/m -  Stamper_WI on 5/19/06 12:45pm
 Re: Have they done this before? - Anonymous from on 5/19/06 4:04pm
 Re: Have they done this before? - Anonymous from on 5/21/06 11:26pm

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