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Re: Hey Deb did you by any chance get your plates?
Posted by  Debbietax_CA of CA on 5/28/06 1:15pm Msg #122863
Sorry if my reply was misleading. Yes, I did hear from them about 2 weeks after sending in my order, and I have since received confirmation in the mail, but I still don't have my plates, hopefully those will come soon...
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Messages in this Thread
 I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. - Sarah/CA on 5/27/06 9:32pm
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. - Blueink_CA on 5/27/06 10:08pm
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/28/06 9:53am
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. - Restless on 5/28/06 11:30am
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. -  Debbietax_CA on 5/28/06 11:44am
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. - Sarah/CA on 5/28/06 11:44am
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/28/06 11:58am
 Re: Hey Deb did you by any chance get your plates? -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/28/06 12:01pm
 Re: Hey Deb did you by any chance get your plates? -  Debbietax_CA on 5/28/06 12:09pm
 Re: Hey Deb did you by any chance get your plates? -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/28/06 1:11pm
 Re: Hey Deb did you by any chance get your plates? -  Debbietax_CA on 5/28/06 1:15pm
 Re:Gotcha n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/28/06 2:10pm
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. - Anonymous from on 5/28/06 3:28pm
 Re: I hate being stood up especially on a holiday weekend. -  BrendaTx on 5/28/06 4:32pm

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