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Re:Well said Brenda CA
Posted by  LkArrowhd/CA of CA on 6/3/06 3:05pm Msg #123900
It is indeed difficult to tell much about a person from can be very misleading at times and other times very least within our own minds....
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 What is a good poster vs. an excellent poster? - SueW/Tn on 6/3/06 1:46pm
 Re:One never forgets how someone made them feel! n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 1:53pm
 Re: Very well stated, I agree totally, but for those who are - Keisha_NC on 6/3/06 2:04pm
 Re: What is a good poster vs. an excellent poster? - Ruby on 6/3/06 2:09pm
 Re: Ruby is that you in Running Springs? n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 2:16pm
 Re: What is a good poster vs. an excellent poster? - Brenda/CA on 6/3/06 2:50pm
 Re:Well said Brenda CA -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 3:05pm
 I respectfully disagree -  janCA on 6/3/06 3:53pm
 hmmmmmm... - SueW/Tn on 6/3/06 4:08pm
 Re: hmmmmmm...yes HUMMMMMMMMM this has brought many -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 4:12pm
 I agree with a few of your points, BUT... -  MichiganAl on 6/3/06 5:46pm
 Re: I agree with a few of your points, BUT... - SueW/Tn on 6/3/06 6:12pm
 Re: Sue so glad you began this thread, it has offered up -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/3/06 8:29pm
 Re: I agree with a few of your points, BUT... -  BrendaTx on 6/3/06 11:04pm
 Re: I agree with a few of your points, BUT... -  John_NorCal on 6/3/06 11:37pm
 Re: What is a good poster vs. an excellent poster? - whitesatin on 6/3/06 10:09pm
 Excellent discussion, Sue and everyone =) -  ReneeK_MI on 6/4/06 6:54am
 Re: Excellent discussion, Sue and everyone =) - whitesatin on 6/4/06 2:22pm
 Re: Excellent discussion - Renee is an excellent writer and -  BrendaTx on 6/4/06 3:35pm
 You are also correct Renee' - getting windy & OT aren't we? - Anonymous from on 6/4/06 3:28pm
 I wish I knew who you were, because this post is brilliant. n/m -  MichiganAl on 6/4/06 6:52pm
 Re: I wish I knew who you were, because this post is brilliant. -  LkArrowhd/CA on 6/4/06 8:13pm
 I wasn't really trying to figure it out... -  MichiganAl on 6/4/06 10:01pm
 ah, but compassion does not a patsy make ... - ReneeK_MI on 6/5/06 4:34am

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