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excel notary at
Posted by  Annette_CA of CA on 8/11/06 9:29pm Msg #138309
I rcvd a call from this company earlier this afternoon for a 8 pm signing. The company said they would pay an extra $25 dollars for "a few" fax backs, I asked specifically how many, she said she did not know but that it was only "a few". When the docs appeared I notice that they wanted about 1/3 of the package faxed back (well over 30 pages). I called the company back and cancelled. Anyone else experience this? Oh and BTW, the client gad been told that the signing was at 7 pm.
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Messages in this Thread
 excel notary at -  Annette_CA on 8/11/06 9:29pm
 Re: excel notary at - Elizabeth Soliday on 8/11/06 9:35pm
 Re: excel notary at - Sherri Schramm on 8/12/06 8:37am
 Re: excel notary at -  Tina_MA on 8/12/06 10:17am
 Re: excel notary at - Mdene_AZ on 8/12/06 10:33am
 Re: excel notary at -  BrendaTx on 8/13/06 10:18pm
 Re: excel notary at - Poppy on 8/12/06 10:31am
 Re: excel notary at -  Life Saving Services - Doug on 8/12/06 10:39am
 I get business, I just don't agree with you... - Poppy on 8/12/06 12:26pm
 Re: excel notary at -  Tina_MA on 8/12/06 10:42am
 Re: excel notary at - Mdene_AZ on 8/12/06 10:44am
 Re: excel notary at - SharonMN on 8/13/06 8:50am
 Re: excel notary at -  BrendaTx on 8/13/06 9:40am
 Re: excel notary at -  Tina_MA on 8/13/06 9:52am
 Without borrowers your business would stink! n/m - Poppy on 8/13/06 10:24am
 Re: Without borrowers your business would stink! -  BrendaTx on 8/13/06 10:35am
 Re: Without borrowers your business would stink! -  Tina_MA on 8/13/06 10:59am
 Re: Without borrowers your business would stink! - Poppy on 8/13/06 11:31am
 Re: Without borrowers your business would stink! -  BrendaTx on 8/13/06 4:55pm
 Debate is what separates us from the animals! - Poppy on 8/14/06 9:43am
 Re: excel notary at - Poppy on 8/13/06 10:38am
 Re: excel notary at -  Annette_CA on 8/13/06 9:29pm
 Re: excel notary at - Poppy on 8/14/06 10:04am
 Is it just me? - CaliNotary on 8/14/06 11:35am
 Re: Is it just me? No, not just you...I said: -  BrendaTx on 8/14/06 12:51pm
 Re: Nope, me too! - Poppy on 8/14/06 6:39pm

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