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Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??"
Posted by  LindaD/NJ of NJ on 5/4/07 8:52am Msg #188767
When they were calling me, they reminded me of those little cadged, signing girls that flew away with mothera in the Godzilla vs. Mothera movies. I'm dating myself! (their voices are ssooo high and tiny!)
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Messages in this Thread
 FASS haven't heard from them in a while.Anyone getting calls - NC_Notary on 5/3/07 12:24pm
 Haven't heard a peep since they lowered fees -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 12:34pm
 pllbbbbt~~~ -  MistarellaFL on 5/3/07 12:44pm
 pllbbbbt~~~ Yes, that is a raspberry! n/m -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 5:43pm
 Re: Haven't heard a peep since they lowered fees? -  MICarole on 5/3/07 2:40pm
 Re: Haven't heard a peep since they lowered fees? -  BrendaTx on 5/3/07 6:26pm
 nada here n/m -  MelissaCT on 5/3/07 12:42pm
 Re: FASS haven't heard from them in a while.Anyone getting calls -  LindaD/NJ on 5/3/07 12:51pm
 FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  BrendaTx on 5/3/07 2:16pm
 "different schedulers??" Methinks from India ;) n/m -  Lisa Prestegard on 5/3/07 5:44pm
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" - jba/fl on 5/3/07 6:21pm
 They are from the phillipines -  Allison_MI on 5/3/07 7:55pm
 Re: They are from the phillipines - really? -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 8:44am
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  LindaD/NJ on 5/4/07 8:20am
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  LindaD/NJ on 5/4/07 8:52am
 Re: FASS....LOL...."different schedulers??" -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 9:41am

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