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Re: Help - My instincts say No.
Posted by Stephanie of ? on 5/12/04 5:12pm Msg #1973
I am in California.
1. We cannot notarize our own signature.
2. Loose certificates can be used on a document that has no notarial wording; attach loose certificates to documents you are notarizing.
3. As a Notary Public/Signing Agent it is not part of my job to verify or sign off on taxes.
4. The only blanks that are acceptable are obvious places for the County Recorder, along with additional signature lines for others that will be signing the document.
**As a Notary/Signing Agent we have control over the notarial certificates and we should know what we can and cannot notarize.
Brenda, check with the Secretary of State for your state.
We are held accountable for our part of a loan signing which is the notarizing of necessary documents. Don't let anyone "bully" you into doing anything unlawful. I am just giving you my perspective on the laws for California.

In explaining this to the Title company, I would simply tell them that you are adhering to the laws of your state. It is not only for your protection, but for the borrowers as well.
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Messages in this Thread
 Help - My instincts say No. -  Brenda Stone on 5/12/04 4:07pm
 Re: Help - My instincts say No. - Stephanie on 5/12/04 5:12pm
 Re: Help - My instincts say No. -  Brenda Stone on 5/12/04 6:04pm
 Re: Help - My instincts say No. - mlefer2003 on 5/13/04 11:55pm
 Follow up - My instincts say No. -  Brenda Stone on 5/14/04 5:48am
 Re: Follow up - My instincts say No. - mlefer2003 on 5/15/04 9:36am
 Re: Help - My instincts say No. - Anonymous on 5/13/04 10:32am

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