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Re: Guess you could say
Posted by  Linda_H/FL of FL on 7/26/07 6:31pm Msg #202091
Borrower wasn't concerned about the terms of his note or the prepayment penalty - He just poo-pooed it away...

I'm going to take a nap now..<G>

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Messages in this Thread
 Mystery substance on table - JohnnyB on 7/26/07 3:34pm
 Re: Mystery substance on table -  Loretta Reed on 7/26/07 3:40pm
 Re: Mystery substance on table - CJ on 7/26/07 4:56pm
 GROSS and strangely funny at the same time! n/m -  christiSocal on 7/26/07 4:58pm
 I Guess You Could Say... -  Dennis D Broadbooks on 7/26/07 4:57pm
 Re: I Guess You Could Say... -  jba/fl on 7/26/07 6:09pm
 Re: Guess you could say -  Linda_H/FL on 7/26/07 6:31pm
 Was there a fan on the table? :) n/m -  Philip Johnson on 7/26/07 5:45pm

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