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Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of )
Posted by rengel/CA of CA on 8/15/08 11:24am Msg #260179
The county your feet are in at the time of notarization. : )

It is always the county that the notarization takes place in, it doesn't matter what county you were comissioned in.

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Messages in this Thread
 county of / acting in the county (parish of ) - SilverPenny on 8/15/08 11:11am
 Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of ) - rengel/CA on 8/15/08 11:24am
 Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of ) - Gerry_VT on 8/15/08 1:59pm
 Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of ) -  MikeC/NY on 8/15/08 4:49pm
 Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of ) - Maureen_nh on 8/15/08 11:03pm
 Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of ) -  MichiganAl on 8/16/08 2:24pm
 Re: county of / acting in the county (parish of ) - Jillian Shaw on 8/20/08 1:34pm

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