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Re: Julianne, what business is it of yours who another NSA works
Posted by  jba/fl of FL on 8/15/08 7:48pm Msg #260268
I don't care who works for who.

Yes, Bob, I have worked for you in the past, or your company anyway. You have said that you have been there for 7 years, but what I can piece together, you haven't been there that long. OK, fine. No problems.

In the past my fee was met - there was one glitch, you responded quickly, helping to clarify the situation: again, no problems.

Where the problems come: your constant advertising. Now you asking people to come on here and tout your wares for you.

I have spoken to a few NotRot regulars and they can verify that I have not slammed you or your cmpany in any manner. I urged one at least to sign up with you, citing that I had had success in the past with your company, that my fee was met, and since she is in an area w/few notaries, she should have luck in having her fees met. If they are not, then she can determine whether to accept the assignment.

Anything else: just your constant advertising. I didn't even discuss, except openly, my past payment issue, and never brought that up in side conversations. My arrangements are mine, and if I can speak with the company about my issues, if any, and find resolution, then it doesn't belong on a forum or in anyone else's mailbox. I presented my problem to you, you researched and responded 2x's: once to let me know you were looking into the matter, the second time later in the same day to let me know what you discovered.

Just, to please many of us here, find a new handle: Bob the SS, Bob, BillyBob: just something else. That woudl make so many happy.
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 NNS Notary Service- G/B/U? -  LynnNC on 8/14/08 5:29pm
 Now I realize that it is THE NNS with all the posts... -  LynnNC on 8/14/08 5:54pm
 Please let this board know your honest opinion when complete n/m - The Notary National Signers on 8/14/08 6:01pm
 This microthread gave me a chuckle! n/m -  LindaD/NJ on 8/14/08 7:14pm
 And if you do..then note it in signing central not here! n/m -  John_NorCal on 8/14/08 7:36pm
 JOHN: I love it when you get stern... MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm n/m - ZeeCA on 8/14/08 8:17pm
 Grrrrrrrrrrr! n/m -  John_NorCal on 8/14/08 11:30pm
 I WILL!!! n/m -  LynnNC on 8/14/08 7:51pm
 My opinion is you're a jackass. Honest enough? n/m -  Gary_CA on 8/15/08 8:45am
 Gary, very professional. n/m - The Notary National Signers on 8/15/08 9:13am
 Professional? Gary, by golly, you are honest and a -  BrendaTx on 8/15/08 9:34am
 In whose opinion?? n/m - The Notary National Signers on 8/15/08 9:54am
 In my defense... -  LynnNC on 8/14/08 7:50pm
 Please post results in Signing Central.... - desktopfull on 8/14/08 9:03pm
 I don't think we reallly want to know - not here! n/m -  jba/fl on 8/15/08 8:03am
 Furthermore, no defense: you know feelings of all here as -  jba/fl on 8/15/08 8:05am
 In this case, I feel it was a moment of forgetfulness. -  BrendaTx on 8/15/08 12:31pm
 Re: In this case, I feel it was a moment of forgetfulness. -  LynnNC on 8/15/08 1:41pm
 Then I will back off; forgive me, please. n/m -  jba/fl on 8/15/08 8:35pm
 Julianne, what business is it of yours who another NSA works - The Notary National Signers on 8/15/08 1:15pm
 Re: Julianne, what business is it of yours who another NSA works -  jba/fl on 8/15/08 7:48pm
 Thank you and I apologize for the misunderstanding. n/m - The Notary National Signers on 8/16/08 3:57am
 apology accepted. -  jba/fl on 8/16/08 5:25am

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