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Re: Borrowers signature
Posted by JulieD/KS of KS on 10/1/09 7:35pm Msg #305872
I've had that form show up in docs, also, and was told NOT to return it with the docs; to return it only to the SS. I told the SS that I would NOT have the borrower sign it, that I would NOT even present such a form. I told the SS that they were hiring me, they were going to be the ones paying me, not the borrower. Obviously, they didn't hire me, which was fine by me.
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Messages in this Thread
 Borrowers signature - pat/WA on 10/1/09 5:21pm
 Re: Borrowers signature - Sylvia_FL on 10/1/09 6:01pm
 Re: Borrowers signature -  Brasring_Ca on 10/1/09 6:05pm
 Re: Borrowers signature - pat/WA on 10/1/09 6:44pm
 Re: Borrowers signature -  MW/VA on 10/1/09 6:47pm
 Re: Borrowers signature - JulieD/KS on 10/1/09 7:35pm
 Re: Borrowers signature - Lee/AR on 10/2/09 6:45am
 no DOUBT they don't want form put in pkg! -  ReneeK_MI on 10/2/09 8:58am

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