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I suppose I'm the stupid one here but I dont charge
Posted by  Linda_H/FL of FL on 11/25/09 3:08pm Msg #312217
more just for it being a holiday - I got a last-minute RESPA for tonight...quoted the same fee as usual - it's the same amount and type of work - it just never occurs to me to charge more.

Guess I'm the broke one too...Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 What is a good rate to set and keep? - TMN on 11/24/09 11:11pm
 Re: What is a good rate to set and keep? -  Marian_in_CA on 11/25/09 5:47am
 very well said Marian.... n/m -  Cari on 11/25/09 6:50am
 AMEN n/m - Frances Kany on 11/25/09 7:55am
 Terrific post. Just added it to 33325 n/m - Laura_V on 11/25/09 11:58am
 Re: What is a good rate to set and keep? -  Frank/NC on 11/25/09 3:49pm
 TMN, do you know what your services cost you? -  BrendaTx on 11/25/09 6:55am
 Re: TMN, do you know what your services cost you? -  jba/fl on 11/25/09 9:06am
 $145 n/m -  GA/Atty on 11/25/09 9:50am
 TMN probably troll. n/m -  Jim/AL on 11/25/09 10:12am
 Re: TMN, sorry disregard. Wrong again. n/m -  Jim/AL on 11/25/09 10:31am
 That's OK, Jim ... you make it up with other "good" posts. n/m -  John/CT on 11/25/09 12:56pm
 2 months ago you posted $125. Curious of $20 increase n/m - mwm143 on 11/25/09 12:26pm
 Holiday pay? Gas increase? Raise? All of them? n/m -  jba/fl on 11/25/09 1:22pm
 Re: Holiday pay? Gas increase? Raise? All of them? - mwm143 on 11/25/09 1:44pm
 I suppose I'm the stupid one here but I dont charge -  Linda_H/FL on 11/25/09 3:08pm
 These were all wild guesses - I have no idea. -  jba/fl on 11/25/09 4:21pm
 $125 is a good answer also, I think n/m -  GA/Atty on 11/25/09 4:32pm
 Posting for John Schenk $500.00 sounds good, lol. -  Jim/AL on 11/25/09 4:35pm
 Re: variable expenses - Art_MD on 11/25/09 1:43pm
 Re: variable expenses -  Marian_in_CA on 11/25/09 2:57pm

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