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Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters"
Posted by Jeana Smith of AL on 12/30/09 5:46pm Msg #316150
Yes it was commissioned in Al. I'll just have to drag out the books as someone called it. I was hoping I could sign Jeana Smith like I have to when my boss forgets to write my paycheck with my new name of Jeana Carter. Since I need to do it later this year, I may as well just get a new commission, (if that is possible since I still have 6 months on it). Oh well, a long wait at the courthouse... Thanks to all.
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Messages in this Thread
 name change - Jeana Smith on 12/30/09 4:12pm
 Re: name change -  jba/fl on 12/30/09 4:28pm
 Re: name change -  NMS/FL on 12/30/09 5:26pm
 Re: name change - Jeana Smith on 12/30/09 5:54pm
 You "live in Alabama now if that matters" -  Teresa/FL on 12/30/09 5:30pm
 Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters" - Jeana Smith on 12/30/09 5:46pm
 Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters" -  Jim/AL on 12/30/09 6:16pm
 Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters" -  Linda_H/FL on 12/30/09 7:47pm
 Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters" - wisconsin on 12/30/09 8:09pm
 Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters" -  Linda_H/FL on 12/30/09 8:16pm
 Dangit..did it again..posted too quick -  Linda_H/FL on 12/30/09 8:17pm
 Re: You "live in Alabama now if that matters" - wisconsin on 12/30/09 8:19pm
 How to Change a Surname After Marriage -  PAW on 12/31/09 7:41am
 And the choice is the woman's. As far as that goes, a -  jba/fl on 12/30/09 8:44pm
 Re: And the choice is the woman's. As far as that goes, a -  Linda_H/FL on 12/30/09 8:56pm
 Re: And the choice is the woman's. As far as that goes, a -  jba/fl on 12/30/09 9:29pm
 I found this, Jeana.. -  Linda_H/FL on 12/30/09 8:21pm
 Re: I found this, Jeana.. -  Jack/AL on 12/30/09 9:17pm
 Interesting... Here's what's required in CA, just FWIW - JanetK_CA on 12/31/09 2:46am
 Similar in FL -  Linda_H/FL on 12/31/09 6:44am
 name change -  TJS/CT on 12/31/09 7:34am
 Re: name change - Jeana Smith on 1/1/10 8:03pm

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