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Re: I'm in the market for a netbook.
Posted by  MW/VA of VA on 1/3/10 9:33am Msg #316463
I got the Acer. It was $299 @ Costco w/2 yr. warranty (Costco also extends warranties).
It's 1GB, but that's more than enough for mobile use. I think Staples had it for $279.
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Messages in this Thread
 I'm in the market for a netbook. -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/2/10 5:12pm
 Re: I'm in the market for a netbook. - MikeC/NY on 1/3/10 9:29am
 Re: I'm in the market for a netbook. -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/3/10 12:57pm
 PS: I also love the keyboard. n/m -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/3/10 12:58pm
 Re: I'm in the market for a netbook. -  MW/VA on 1/3/10 9:33am
 Re: I'm in the market for a netbook. - Jodith/WA on 1/3/10 12:47pm
 Most seem to be 160gb hard drive. n/m -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/3/10 12:59pm
 Re: Most seem to be 160gb hard drive. - Jodith Allen on 1/3/10 9:22pm
 Re: Most seem to be 160gb hard drive. -  Shoshana/AZ on 1/3/10 9:33pm

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