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Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post
Posted by Moneyman/TX of TX on 1/12/10 10:20am Msg #317709
I agree with you. A person's time, knowledge, and skills are only as valuable as THEY think they are. When a signing service (SS) calls and offers $100, e-docs included, on a rush job, and oh, by the way, it's 45 min away, if the notary signing agent (NSA) accepts it, that is all they believe they are worth.

I have received calls from companies I have worked for on a regular basis only to have new people on the other end offer me $65 to close. When I'm finished laughing at them, I quote my fee and tell them to look at my information on file with them. I called one of them back and spoke to the supervisor I have dealt with for years. I informed him that if I received another call like that, insulting me by trying to low ball me, that I would take them off my list of companies I would work for, regardless of the fees offered. He must have made some kind of note in my file because I do still get calls from them but I have not had another insulting offer yet.

If the companies are offering $65 for a close normally, then want to offer you $100 because they are in a rush, I say charge them $250 -$300 + edoc fees. If they agree, do the job and get paid. If not, they may have to turn the job back to title. After so many of these returned jobs, a title company might start to rethink using that low ball company.

Of course, it doesn't help that some signing agents advertise that their average charge for a signing job is only $85- $125 on their websites. Why should we be surprised when companies only want to offer $85 then?
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Messages in this Thread
 A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  Les_CO on 1/11/10 10:52pm
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post - Lee/AR on 1/11/10 11:50pm
 Re: Lee -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 10:21am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 10:33am
 Re: Tonya -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 11:42am
 Thank you, Les, for the polite response... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:37pm
 Excellent post Les...... -  John_NorCal on 1/12/10 9:29am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post -  Notarysigner on 1/12/10 9:49am
 Just added it to #33325 - Laura_V on 1/12/10 10:06am
 Re: A long response to those that replied to my "shooting" post - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 10:20am
 Re: Moneyman -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 10:43am
 Re: les - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 11:20am
 Re: les -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 12:00pm
 Re: les - Moneyman/TX on 1/12/10 12:04pm
 Re: les -  Les_CO on 1/12/10 12:36pm
 I completely agree, Les... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:27pm
 Let me also say.... -  trnsa_IL on 1/12/10 12:31pm

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