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Re: You are right...
Posted by ERNA_CA of CA on 4/28/05 12:51pm Msg #34601
I was a victim of sexual harrassment at work years back. It is very unplesant. You dress nice and aproperatly for work and treat all in a friendly manner. But in no way is that an invitaion to make unaproperate remarks or advatages towards you. People that think they have the right to do such things obivously dont have respect for others, that is something you learn from your parents.
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Messages in this Thread
 Sexual Harassment - Anonymous on 4/27/05 3:53pm
 Re: Sexual Harassment -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/27/05 8:04pm
 Re: Sexual Harassment - Melody on 4/27/05 8:18pm
 Re: Sexual Harassment - Kari/CA on 4/27/05 8:32pm
 Re: That elbow comes in handy, had to use it my self :) - ERNA_CA on 4/27/05 8:33pm
 Re: Sexual Harassment -  VA_Notary on 4/28/05 8:25am
 Re: Sexual Harassment - Art_MD on 4/28/05 8:29am
 You are right... -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/28/05 12:28pm
 Re: You are right... - ERNA_CA on 4/28/05 12:51pm

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