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What questions should I ask?
Posted by KEK_FL of FL on 12/10/10 10:51amMsg #364602
Hi everyone,

I realize that in this business you learn as you go, however, I feel like I should have set questions that I ask the TC/SS more than:
How many pages?
Is there a fax back?
What is the location?

Just hope that you all would be kind enough to help me out with this.

As always Thank You for your assistance in advance.
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Messages in this Thread
 What questions should I ask? - KEK_FL on 12/10/10 10:51am
 Start with message#33325 - desktopfull on 12/10/10 11:26am
 Re: Start with message#33325..Thanks for the very long read, - KEK_FL on 12/10/10 12:29pm
 Re: Start with message#33325..Thanks for the very long read, - 1st_up on 12/10/10 12:35pm
 Re: payment policy -  JanetK_CA on 12/11/10 2:12am
 Re: Start with message#33325..Thanks for the very long read, - CH2inCA on 12/10/10 12:36pm
 Re: Start with message#33325..Thanks for the very long read, - CH2inCA on 12/10/10 12:39pm
 Re: Start with message#33325..Thanks for the very long read, - cheryl/md on 12/10/10 12:58pm
 Tax ID #?? umm...why? n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 12/10/10 1:01pm
 Re: What questions should I ask? - cheryl/md on 12/10/10 1:00pm
 Umm, no. n/m -  MichiganAl on 12/10/10 4:31pm
 Re: What questions should I ask? - camellia/ca on 12/10/10 1:02pm
 Good suggestion -  Moneyman/TX on 12/10/10 5:25pm
 Re: Thank You All...What questions should I ask? -  KEK_FL on 12/10/10 5:42pm
 Usually my FIRST question is ... -  ReneeK_MI on 12/11/10 5:46am
 Re: Usually my FIRST question is ... -  Linda_H/FL on 12/11/10 8:02am

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