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Re: how is it that "they" make us feel guilty...
Posted by CaliNotary of CA on 5/11/05 10:27pm Msg #37240
Of course you did the right thing. It's pretty difficult to accidentally say "yes, I will backdate" without even realizing it.

One of the less desirable aspects of this job is that we get to be the fall guy for the less ethical lender/title company/signing service employees. When something goes wrong they just blame it on the notary. And these same employees think that we plan our entire day around their one signing, and that of course we're going to be happy to do it whenever they want us to.

In the future it would behoove you to tell the title company or whoever you talk to about the edocs that you need them by X time or you won't be able to do the signing, unless you don't mind keeping your entire evening open in the hopes that they'll eventually get the docs to you. It's one thing to be flexible, it's another thing to let them treat us like chumps.
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Messages in this Thread
 how is it that "they" make us feel guilty... - notarypa on 5/11/05 10:09pm
 Re: how is it that "they" make us feel guilty... - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 10:27pm
 Cali is right. I do the same on all points. n/m - Melody on 5/11/05 10:45pm
 Re: Cali is right. I do the same on all points. n/m - LW/WI on 5/11/05 10:53pm
 YOU have to take control of your time... - Roger/OH on 5/11/05 11:37pm
 Re: YOU have to take control of your time... - calipat/ca on 5/12/05 12:48am
 Re: YOU have to take control of your time... - NotaryPa on 5/12/05 6:57am
 Re: YOU have to take control of your time... - NotaryPa on 5/12/05 9:23am
 paging george jetson.... - monica on 5/13/05 9:19pm

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