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Re: neighbors/credible witnesses
Posted by  SamIam_CA of CA on 5/14/05 2:07pm Msg #37808
Missy - that is so sad. I have lived in this house for about 7 years and we are still the new kids on the block. Everyone knows everyone. Sometimes I feel like Gladys Kravits for knowing so much about what is going on. I dare you to initiate a block party!
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Messages in this Thread
 Name on Docs didn't match D/L - Cindy-PA on 5/14/05 9:14am
 Re: Name on Docs didn't match D/L -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 12:26pm
 Re: Name on Docs didn't match D/L - sue on 5/14/05 1:24pm
 Thanks to all of you for your help - Cindy-PA on 5/14/05 1:37pm
 MY BAD!!! Should not give CA answer for PA - SORRY! n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 2:04pm
 neighbors/credible witnesses -  missy_socal on 5/14/05 1:29pm
 Re: neighbors/credible witnesses -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 2:07pm
 Re: neighbors/credible witnesses -  missy_socal on 5/14/05 5:06pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 7:25pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - SarahBeth_CA on 5/14/05 8:36pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 7:11am
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 7:07am
 WOW! Shocked & Amazed by PA rules (no photo) n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/15/05 11:17am
 Re: WOW! Shocked & Amazed by PA rules (no photo) n/m - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 2:09pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - sue on 5/15/05 9:15am
 Re: back to the credible witnesses -  SamIam_CA on 5/15/05 11:23am
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 2:11pm
 MD - No definition of proof of identity - Art_MD on 5/16/05 6:50am
 Re: MD - No definition of proof of identity - Teri-PA on 5/16/05 1:51pm
 Re: Teri - Art_md on 5/16/05 2:19pm
 Re: Teri - Teri-PA on 5/16/05 8:16pm

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