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Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment
Posted by LawrenceOK of OK on 7/24/05 11:30am Msg #54243
I have has something similar happen to me with another SS. I told them to have the accounting dept. send me a copy of the processed check so I could file fraud & forgery charges against whomever cashed it. I got the check by FedEx the next day.
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Messages in this Thread
 Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - Jay-NoCal on 7/23/05 3:40pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment -  BrendaTX on 7/23/05 3:49pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - Joan-OH on 7/23/05 4:12pm
 I've also received someone else's check... - Cherilyn in CO on 7/23/05 5:58pm
 Re: I've also received someone else's check... -  PAW_Fl on 7/23/05 9:07pm
 Re: I've also received someone else's check... - LauriecPA on 7/23/05 9:55pm
 I mean, someone else has received MY check!... - LauriecPa on 7/23/05 10:33pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - jojo_MN on 7/24/05 9:07am
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - LawrenceOK on 7/24/05 11:30am
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - wade/ar on 7/24/05 5:56pm
 Re: Nation Signature Closers/Non-payment - LauriecPA on 7/24/05 10:15pm

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