and explain the situation ('3rd party shipper' seems to be the magic words) & make sure they make some notation on your account, you MAY be able to get around their 'but you don't ship anything on your account' mindset...for a while.
Another (seemingly important to them) thing I've learned the hard way is to space out your supplies orders so that you're ordering SOMETHING every month or every other month. That seems to keep your account alive...for a while. Over the many years I've been in business, I've had 3 or more accounts until--suddenly it's canceled for non-use. So far, I've had the last account the longest...and it's the one where I TALKED to a UPS rep. AND explained the '3rd party shipper' situation. Knock on wood and hope I didn't just jinx myself. They ARE difficult.
Also, never ever order labels because if the 'bill recipient' fails, you'll be charged. Tho' that issue really doesn't happen nowadays as much as it used to because most now provide a label instead of providing their acct. # & have you make out the label. And that's all I know about this. |