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Tax question - mortgage interest
Posted by Roadie_MD of MD on 3/29/22 1:33pm Msg #639126
Hi all, doing my taxes on the TaxAct software and something new came up. Under business expenses the software asked the total of mortgage interest paid. It deducted the total as a business expense. This is the first time I remember this being deducted. Is this something new?

I do my own taxes and I try to keep everything simple-- cash accounting, don't deduct for business use of my home, etc.
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Messages in this Thread
 Tax question - mortgage interest - Roadie_MD on 3/29/22 1:33pm
 Re: Tax question - mortgage interest - Clem/CA on 3/29/22 1:52pm
 Re: Tax question - mortgage interest - Roadie_MD on 3/29/22 2:04pm
 If you don't claim a home office you can't claim interest as - sigtogo/OR on 3/29/22 9:59pm
 Re: If you don...that was my thinking - Linda_H/FL on 3/31/22 8:48am
 Yes, it would be a % for portion used as home office. n/m -  MW/VA on 3/29/22 3:52pm
 Re: Tax question - mortgage interest -  JanetK_CA on 3/29/22 4:15pm
 for those who itemize - Clem/CA on 3/29/22 4:26pm
 They increased the personal exemption, so many don't -  MW/VA on 3/29/22 7:50pm
 NSA income reported on Schedule C, standard deduct for 1040 - sigtogo/OR on 3/29/22 10:17pm
 Re: Tax question - mortgage interest - Carolyn Bodley on 3/29/22 8:24pm
 Re: Oops - our house, not her house n/m - Carolyn Bodley on 3/29/22 8:26pm
 Re: Tax question - mortgage interest..I have also heard - Linda_H/FL on 3/29/22 10:18pm
 I claimed home office mtg exp for years, never a problem - sigtogo/OR on 3/29/22 10:38pm
 Re: Tax question - mortgage interest - James Powell on 3/30/22 8:52am

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