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Re: Another reason I won’t do RON closings
Posted by Carma McConahay of CO on 8/3/22 7:14am Msg #641591
I had my refinance done using RON; it took 4 hours. There were issues first uploading our IDs, which took the first time over an hour. Then, once we connected with the signing agent, the program would not let us move forward; it kept sending a message that all parties must be signed in, which we all were. She put in call(s) to the company; in the four hours we were online with her, they never called or answered. I decided at 3 hours, we would all disconnect, my husband and I would again get verification, and once the system accepted our ID, the signing agent and all of us would try again. After doing this, it only took about 20 min. It had nothing to do with what she or we were doing; it was her RON system she was using. I am looking to do only RON, so I am waiting for Mark at LSS to iron out the best, most reliable system.
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Messages in this Thread
 Another reason I won’t do RON closings - MariaMO on 7/30/22 5:18pm
 Re: Another reason I won’t do RON closings -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/31/22 9:26am
 Re: Another reason I won’t do RON closings -  NJW/FL on 8/1/22 6:27pm
 Full fee available if notary on line for 30 minutes. Call. n/m - jnew on 8/2/22 9:45am
 Re: Another reason I won’t do RON closings - Carma McConahay on 8/3/22 7:14am
 Reported for Advertising n/m -  Amigoaz on 8/3/22 8:47am
 Re: Reported for Advertising -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/3/22 11:13am
 It’s like a cult n/m - MariaMO on 8/3/22 6:59pm
 Re: Reported for Advertising - PaigeTurner on 8/3/22 4:22pm
 Re: Reported for Advertising -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/3/22 4:31pm
 Re: Reported for Advertising - PaigeTurner on 8/5/22 3:38pm
 Re: Reported for Advertising -  LynnNC on 8/3/22 5:13pm

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