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Posted by PaigeTurner of AK on 9/23/22 10:08pm Msg #642450
I would def. revise your profile (rotate your picture and dress like you would for a closing), and you never openly tell where someone should email documents in that space. They will know this by your email on file and will confirm with you when they schedule it. We stay in our lane.
All that information is posted already, and they are busy and will not text you when they send it. You confirm you received it. Many times you pick them up on their website instead and is encrypted or they send you the password. You are just showing how new you are and will drive them away if they see that. You play by their rules, they don't accommodate you.
That area is to describe yourself and how you stand apart from your competition. What is unique to you and why they should use you over the other NSA's out there.
Good luck!
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 Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent - Paula Stoops on 9/23/22 11:59am
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent - aanotary on 9/23/22 2:52pm
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent -  Doris_CO on 9/23/22 4:21pm
 I hope you have another job. This biz is at an all-time low -  MW/VA on 9/23/22 5:11pm
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/23/22 7:17pm
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent - PaigeTurner on 9/23/22 9:59pm
 PS - PaigeTurner on 9/23/22 10:08pm
 PS PS your addresses don't match n/m - Clem/CA on 9/24/22 9:28am
 AK is the default & many forget to scroll to the right state n/m -  MW/VA on 9/24/22 5:30pm
 Re: AK is the default & many forget to scroll to the right state - PaigeTurner on 9/27/22 6:33pm
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent -  Doris_CO on 9/24/22 4:53pm
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent - Regina Rand on 9/25/22 12:23pm
 Re: Get orders as a Notary Signing Agent - PaigeTurner on 9/28/22 1:15pm

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