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RON Affiliate Referral Fees and FTC Disclosures
Posted by ABC Legal Docs, LLC - Jerry Lucas of CO on 1/25/23 8:18pm Msg #644157
Doing a search for RON affiliate, I found at least one RON service provider paying a minimum 15% commission to affiliates for each completed RON transaction. So, a $25 RON fee yields a $3.75 referral commission. $100 sale earns $15.
If you have a website or YouTube videos with lots of traffic to generate leads, you could earn passive income referral fees from affiliate links.
Commissions increase for higher volumes.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces regulations (16 CFR Part 255) (Section 5 of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 45) that require disclosure of referral fees earned by affiliates.
See the rules and examples in their Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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Messages in this Thread
 Staples advertising RON in CA??? -  rengel/CA on 1/25/23 12:34pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? - VT_Syrup on 1/25/23 12:39pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? -  rengel/CA on 1/25/23 1:03pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? - VT_Syrup on 1/25/23 1:08pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? -  rengel/CA on 1/25/23 1:16pm
 With big co's, it's all about 'market share'. Small profits - Lee/AR on 1/25/23 1:49pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/25/23 3:39pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? - VT_Syrup on 1/25/23 4:53pm
 Re: Staples advertising RON in CA??? -  JanetK_CA on 1/25/23 5:57pm
 Were they providing traditional notary services before -  MW/VA on 1/25/23 2:00pm
 Staples RON Service Marketing for Notarize and NotaryCam - ABC Legal Docs, LLC - Jerry Lucas on 1/25/23 6:34pm
 RON Affiliate Referral Fees and FTC Disclosures - ABC Legal Docs, LLC - Jerry Lucas on 1/25/23 8:18pm
 Figured it was likely to be something like that... n/m -  JanetK_CA on 1/26/23 3:33am
 Of course. They sold this to Fedex Offices too. I don't -  MW/VA on 1/26/23 7:45am

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