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Re: On the Oath Of _________ or through ________ ?
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 10/17/23 6:16pm Msg #646983
New Hampshire has passed RULONA, as has my state, Vermont.

All states make some variations to the law when they adopt it, New Hampshire's version is here:

You have two choices for a certificate for the notarial act. You can strike out whatever is already in the document, and use one of the short forms provided in the law, in section 456-B:8. Or you can write out a longer certificate which, in the words of section 456-B:7 (d), "Sets forth the actions of the notarial officer and those are sufficient to meet the requirements of the designated notarial act."

Since you didn't include the whole certificate, we can't say if the certificate on the document is usable in NH or not; we don't even know what kind of notarial act is being performed. The snippet you gave is probably meant to give the method you used to identify the signer. If you used a credible witness, you would put the credible witness in the first blank. If you used an acceptable ID card, you would put a description of the card in the second blank, such as "NH driver license". You would put a long dash in the unused blank.

But I repeat, since we haven't seen the whole certificate, we can't say if it's usable in NH.

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Messages in this Thread
 On the Oath Of _________ or through ________ ? - NotaryJohn on 10/17/23 3:34pm
 Re: On the Oath Of _________ or through ________ ? - VT_Syrup on 10/17/23 6:16pm

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