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Re: unlimited Ink
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 1/15/24 8:55am Msg #647558
My advice is to always print docs in the size scanned to you. If you have a dual tray printer, always print "choose paper source by PDF page size." If you're using a single tray printer, use a PDF page sorter program. It's not up to the notary to determine what size paper works for whatever county is recording.

By the way, in all those instructions you received ... were there any instructions on printing? Wink

In the past 4 years, the price of paper has doubled. In fact, I'd say just about everything we use in our work (paper, toner, vehicle fuel, vehicle maintenance, office supplies, etc.) has tremendously increased in price. Taking that into consideration, our fees should reflect those increases. Perhaps your first mistake was to accept a signing for $65.00? Remember, this is a business. This is your business. Treat it as such. We set our own fees, which may or may not coincide with what the hiring party is offering. If it doesn't, we counter offer. We are in it to provide a service at a profit to us. Granted, only you know what your business model tells you insofar as fees and a profit margin. Just in case you've never considered a business model, here's a little beginner's course:

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Messages in this Thread
 unlimited Ink - Carol Ann Horne on 1/12/24 4:27pm
 Re: unlimited Ink -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/24 4:41pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - Carol Ann Horne on 1/13/24 2:20pm
 Re: unlimited Ink -  Yoli/CA on 1/15/24 8:55am
 Re: unlimited Ink - SteveS/CA on 1/15/24 12:13pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - SteveS/CA on 1/12/24 5:04pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - Rosemarie Marotta on 1/18/24 7:58am
 Re: unlimited Ink - Deborah Riley on 1/25/24 2:25pm
 Deborah that sounds about right. Also, they're SS listings - CPNS2006 on 1/30/24 8:11am

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