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Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 3/20/24 8:05am Msg #648034
Got a call from ServiceLink yesterday at 8:13am for a HELOC in Paradise, CA today at 11:00am. Signing location is 79.7 miles door-to-door, approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours' drive from me. I give her my $325 quote.* Oh! She'll make a note of it.

At 1:53pm, they call again with same assignment. I tell this scheduler someone else called about it in the morning and they were making a note of my fee. She informs me it's a small 30-page package. Okay, the least I can do it for is $300. She has to get approval. Fine. Let me know.

2:04pm -- She calls back with approval. Am I still available. Yes ma'am. Send it over and thank you!

Going to Paradise today! Smile

*My fee schedule shows $350 for that zip for a regular package. This is a HELOC -- typically smaller package.
(If I were going to mountainous, snowy territory such as South Lake Tahoe or Truckee, this same assignment would be $475 [due to driving conditions]. I mention all this fee "stuff" for the sake of the newbies and hope they learn to charge fees after taking everything into consideration. Most of the seasoned NSAs here are already well versed on the matter.)
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Messages in this Thread
 ServiceLink -  Yoli/CA on 3/20/24 8:05am
 Re: ServiceLink -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/20/24 9:37am
 Re: ServiceLink - Julie/MI on 3/21/24 7:32am
 Re: ServiceLink -  Yoli/CA on 3/21/24 8:21am

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