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Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 4/3/24 10:20am Msg #648126
If signing location is within a 15-mile radius and no other special requests other than scans, $150 sounds "reasonable."

A better counter would be $150 for the large package and $25 for the scans. If further than 15-mile radius, an additional $25.

Hope you get it! Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks -  Leslie_Mo on 4/3/24 10:14am
 Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks -  Yoli/CA on 4/3/24 10:20am
 Agree with Yoli n/m - Lee/AR on 4/3/24 12:32pm
 Re: Agree with Yoli too - Linda_H/FL on 4/3/24 12:43pm
 Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks -  JanetK_CA on 4/3/24 6:45pm
 Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 10:20am
 Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks -  Leslie_Mo on 4/3/24 10:27am
 Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/3/24 1:45pm
 Re: What would you charge for a refi- 175 pages and scanbacks - ananotary on 4/3/24 3:58pm
 Is this a direct signing or through a SS? n/m - ananotary on 4/3/24 3:58pm
 Let me guess? ORT? - FeliseSoCal on 4/4/24 3:23pm
 Re: Let me guess? ORT? -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/4/24 4:10pm

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