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Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it
Posted by SC/CA of CA on 4/14/24 5:39pm Msg #648229
“... it's also essential to accept that we ultimately ARE in control of our own businesses. We should know our boundaries and where and when we can bend and where and when to draw a firm line.”

“Sometimes our control is limited to saying no, but I believe it's important to be aware that we're still in control of that. Another thing we control is how much effort we put into activities that generate more business.”

“ If anyone depending on this work for their livelihood isn't willing to have firm guidelines for their business that ensure profitability, then they're in the wrong field. (That's the problem with having a 'side-gig' mentality...) Something isn't always better than nothing.”

These are wise words. Your approach toward running a profitable business, is spot on. And I believe it can be applied toward any business. As I shift into a new business for myself, I will carry your outlook forward.
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Messages in this Thread
 Insurance inspections -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/12/24 11:21am
 Re: Insurance inspections - Lee/AR on 4/12/24 12:52pm
 Re: Insurance inspections -  JanetK_CA on 4/12/24 7:24pm
 Re: Insurance inspections -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/12/24 11:45pm
 Re: Insurance inspections -  JanetK_CA on 4/13/24 12:46am
 Re: Insurance inspections -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/13/24 7:27am
 Re: Insurance inspections - SteveS/CA on 4/14/24 10:38am
 Re: Insurance inspections -  Yoli/CA on 4/14/24 11:44am
 Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it's close rarely works - Lee/AR on 4/14/24 12:18pm
 Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it - SteveS/CA on 4/14/24 12:39pm
 Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it -  JanetK_CA on 4/14/24 4:11pm
 Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it - SC/CA on 4/14/24 5:39pm
 Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it -  JanetK_CA on 4/15/24 4:00am
 Re: Yep. Fee has to stand by itself. Cuz it - SteveS/CA on 4/14/24 8:02pm
 Re: Insurance inspections -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/14/24 10:18pm
 Re: Insurance inspections - Bravo on 4/15/24 4:58pm
 Re: Insurance inspections Agree with Bravo n/m - HeatherR/CA on 4/15/24 6:06pm

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