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Perplexed re. a client's request after recent Apostille
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 5/1/24 12:21pm Msg #648350
This is a real brain teaser. Recently I prepared an apostille request for a lady who was born in Germany, and her mother is still there, in her 90s, wanting to gift her a sum of money before she passes.

The notary in Germany sent back the apostille and said it is worthless.

His note (handwritten in scrawl on a 3x3 postit) reads:

This needs a consent to the contracts uuz-nr 1895/2024 1905/2024.

Well, I know nothing of German consent to (blah, blah) and neither does my client.

Is there anyone out there who knows what is being requested? I am wondering if the German Consulate in LA would be of assistance.

Anyone out there with other ideas? My client is very confused.
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Messages in this Thread
 Perplexed re. a client's request after recent Apostille -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/1/24 12:21pm
 Did some googling and playing with terms - Linda_H/FL on 5/1/24 12:41pm
 Agree w/Linda regarding Apostille -  Yoli/CA on 5/1/24 1:26pm
 Re: Perplexed re. a client -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/1/24 2:13pm
 Re: Perplexed re. a client - Leo_FL on 5/2/24 8:00am
 Re: Perplexed re. a client -  Expeditor on 5/6/24 4:42pm
 Re: Perplexed re. a client -  Cheryl Elliott on 5/10/24 9:54am

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