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Anyone know what a 'Taxotere PFS core Document' signing is?
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 6/10/24 3:30pm Msg #648619
Have gotten a bunch of these requests in the past week for way too distant location. Most recent thru SD from
QuickTime Notary (know nothing about them either). Offer a too low $25 for 16 pgs w/Scan. As I've gotten so many for way too far, I figure I should find out what it is in the event one should come thru that's actually in my service area so I know what to COUNTER at.
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Messages in this Thread
 Anyone know what a 'Taxotere PFS core Document' signing is? - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 3:30pm
 Have some info. Need more. Anyone done one of these? - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 3:53pm
 Re: Anyone know what a -  JanetK_CA on 6/10/24 8:27pm
 clueless is right. Thought $25 was bad, but $15??? ? Yikes! n/m - Lee/AR on 6/10/24 9:50pm
 Re: clueless is right. Thought $25 was bad, but $15??? ? Yikes! - SteveS/CA on 6/11/24 1:56am
 Re: clueless is right. Thought $25 was bad, but $15??? ? Yikes! -  Yoli/CA on 6/11/24 12:08pm
 QuickTime Notary is permanently closed according to Google - CPNS2006 on 6/15/24 2:03pm
 Re: QuickTime Notary is permanently closed according to Google - SteveS/CA on 6/15/24 9:20pm

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