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Re: Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile
Posted by Pamela/CA of CA on 9/7/24 11:02am Msg #649192
SMART questions, Lee! Good thinking. There is a rat somewhere in this. My SO is current except for photo, and can be seen at NNA profile with my profile number - my Title, Lender, RE, and attorney Clients have that. I spoke with Deluxe who tells me they merely SELL their checks to people/companies who do not want to have their bank acct numbers and addresses shown. So they buy a qty of these Deluxe check numbers and 'use' the company's website fill them out with the name of Payee and amount and email them to receiver. Deluxe does not store any info from those checks. So now I know NotaryPay LLC bought the Deluxe checks and depended upon the profile shown at their parent company to provide the Payee name. in email to me said they have no idea "where that profile came from"! Saying they thought it was NNA! It isn't! It looks like a cut and paste job to me and the type style of the payee area is different, where someone added Mobile Notary Zone, LLP right next to my name.
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Messages in this Thread
 Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile - Pamela/CA on 9/6/24 1:10pm
 Re: Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile -  Yoli/CA on 9/6/24 4:53pm
 Re: Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile - Pamela/CA on 9/6/24 5:53pm
 Re: Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile - Lee/AR on 9/7/24 7:15am
 Re: Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile - Pamela/CA on 9/7/24 11:02am
 Even more interesting...SO is Notary Resume's dbase - Lee/AR on 9/7/24 12:08pm
 Re: Bad Deluxe Check reveals hijack profile -  JanetK_CA on 9/7/24 5:39pm

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