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Re: You're very lucky - you are one of the rare ones
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 9/26/24 3:21pm Msg #649350
Yes, I've found that 60-90 days is the "norm" for them. I think part of the problem is that (I'm just guessing) their Payables person only works for them a couple of days a week, or maybe only once a week. You have to send an invoice to them after each signing and I have received confirmation that they received my invoice only days later. I take that to mean that they don't have a full-time bookkeeper responsible for payments.
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Messages in this Thread
 Prestige Inc. - Bravo on 9/25/24 2:03pm
 Re: Prestige Inc. - no experience with them - Yoli/CA on 9/25/24 2:41pm
 That's her - Linda_H/FL on 9/25/24 3:09pm
 Do a search -  JanetK_CA on 9/25/24 6:36pm
 Re: Prestige Inc. -  Doris_CO on 9/25/24 9:08pm
 Re: Prestige Inc. - SteveS/CA on 9/26/24 1:06am
 Re: Prestige Inc. - Leo_FL on 9/26/24 8:45am
 Re: Prestige Inc. - pdl/cali on 9/26/24 11:33am
 You're very lucky - you are one of the rare ones - Linda_H/FL on 9/26/24 1:30pm
 Re: You're very lucky - you are one of the rare ones - SteveS/CA on 9/26/24 3:21pm
 Re: Prestige Inc. - Vegyes/VA on 9/29/24 7:50pm
 Re: Prestige Inc. - SteveS/CA on 9/30/24 4:40pm

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