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Second Witness Needed
Posted by Angelo Cianfrocco of FL on 10/29/24 10:19amMsg #649556
How are Florida Notaries handling getting a second witness when needed? I usually take my wife who is also a notary, but that is not always an easy task. Most of the signing companies do not pay a lot for a witness and it is hard to get someone during the day.
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Messages in this Thread
 Second Witness Needed - Angelo Cianfrocco on 10/29/24 10:19am
 The signers should be responsible for providing - Linda_H/FL on 10/29/24 11:12am
 yes, agree with Linda n/m - sigtogo/OR on 10/29/24 3:10pm
 Re: The signers should be responsible for providing -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/24 12:01am

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