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Re: NON HP SUPPLY INSTALLED on printer panel
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/20/24 9:35am Msg #649862
See if this helps:

I did a search: USING NON-HP TONER CARTRIDGES IN HP PRINTER Many of the items are for ink cartridges rather than toner. Just have to shift through it. Good luck and let us know what works. I vaguely recall a workaround was posted here in the past. I'll try to find it.
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Messages in this Thread
 NON HP SUPPLY INSTALLED on printer panel -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/18/24 12:42pm
 They broke the law. - Lee/AR on 12/18/24 2:18pm
 Is there a chip on the cartridge that you can replace w/OEM - Lee/AR on 12/18/24 2:26pm
 Oh, Brother..... n/m - Bear900/CA on 12/18/24 3:53pm
 Re: Oh, Brother..... - anotaryinva on 12/18/24 4:32pm
 I do the same as anotaryinva - SReis on 12/18/24 9:31pm
 Re: NON HP SUPPLY INSTALLED on printer panel - SteveS/CA on 12/18/24 4:10pm
 Cheryl, did you find a workaround on this issue? - Lee/AR on 12/19/24 7:56pm
 Re: Cheryl, did you find a workaround on this issue? -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/19/24 8:31pm
 And our profit margin. What's the printer model # ? - Lee/AR on 12/20/24 1:37am
 Re: And our profit margin. What -  JanetK_CA on 12/20/24 2:24am
 Re: NON HP SUPPLY INSTALLED on printer panel -  Yoli/CA on 12/20/24 9:35am
 Re: NON HP SUPPLY INSTALLED on printer panel -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/22/24 7:43am
 Model # of Printer with this issue??? n/m - Lee/AR on 12/22/24 10:02am
 Re: Model # of Printer with this issue??? -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/22/24 12:31pm

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