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Ummm ... Carolyn ... "As expected ... ?? [Re: LaHoma ...
Posted by Rick_NY of NY on 2/4/06 10:29am Msg #94214
I read LaHoma's explanation three times and don't see anything "on the attack" about it. A good marketer is always looking for new ideas, don't you agree?
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Messages in this Thread
 here's an idea... -  Charm_AL on 2/3/06 3:56pm
 Re: here's an idea... - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 4:10pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - CarolynCO on 2/3/06 4:23pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - eXpedN_TX on 2/3/06 4:32pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - CaliNotary on 2/3/06 4:55pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 5:23pm
 Re: LaHoma ... - CarolynCO on 2/3/06 5:45pm
 Ummm ... Carolyn ... "As expected ... ?? [Re: LaHoma ... - Rick_NY on 2/4/06 10:29am
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 5:12pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 5:12pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 5:12pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - CaliNotary on 2/3/06 5:19pm
 Re: here's an idea... LaHoma - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 5:26pm
 LaHoma -  TitleGalCA on 2/3/06 6:20pm
 Re: LaHoma - TitleGal - LaHoma Marchbanks on 2/3/06 6:27pm

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