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Re: Here's a diet for you!
Posted by NM_CO of CO on 2/4/06 11:09am Msg #94226
Beth, you kill me with the laughter. I think I'll go eat my chocolate cake for breakfast that I took home last night from dinner. Thanks for the reminder.
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Messages in this Thread
 Here's a diet for you! - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 10:41am
 Re: Here's a diet for you! - Rick_NY on 2/4/06 10:46am
 Re: Here's a diet for you! - eXpedN_TX on 2/4/06 10:52am
 Re: Here's a diet for you! - NM_CO on 2/4/06 11:09am
 Re: Okay everyone - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 11:25am
 Re: Sugar free chocolate - Rick_NY on 2/4/06 1:11pm
 Re: Sugar free chocolate...Rick - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 3:11pm
 Re: Sea food diet. - Art_MD on 2/4/06 11:44am
 Re: Sea food diet. - janCA on 2/4/06 11:54am
 Re: Sea food diet. - NM_CO on 2/4/06 11:56am
 Re: Sea food diet. - janCA on 2/4/06 12:02pm
 Re: Sea food diet. - NM_CO on 2/4/06 12:08pm
 It's in the book! - janCA on 2/4/06 12:20pm
 Re: Hey Jan - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 12:42pm
 Re: Hey Beth -  janCA on 2/4/06 12:57pm
 Re: It's in the book! - NM_CO on 2/4/06 12:51pm
 Re: It's in the book! - janCA on 2/4/06 1:01pm
 Re: Sea food diet. Hi Art, where ya been? - Beth/MD on 2/4/06 12:43pm
 I've been on that choc diet for years! It works, - christiSocal on 2/4/06 1:23pm
 Re: I've been on that choc diet for years! It works, -  PAW_Fl on 2/4/06 2:44pm
 Re: I've been on that choc diet for years! It works, - srnotary_CA on 2/4/06 8:30pm
 Re: Sea food diet. Hi Art, where ya been? - Art_MD on 2/6/06 9:18am

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