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Posted by Paul2_FL of ? on 7/23/05 10:00pm Msg #54201
Is it my imagination or do most borrowers prefer to have two or more dogs these days? I've completed a number of signing lately where most of them had dogs - not one but two or more! Also, they are never "little" dogs. They are all in the 80-150 lb range.
When I arrive a house the owners will generally put the dogs in another room (with a lot of effort I might add) but during the course of the signing they always manage to get out!
In one particular case where the owner had three dogs (two Rotweillers (sp?) and a Heinz 57), the owner felt sorry for the dogs being coped up in the other room so he let them out! I was sitting down at the time and immediately had all three dogs around me. One Rotweiller on my left with his massive head on my leg, the Heinz 57 on my right staring up at me, and the other Rotweiller under the table with his head in my crotch! I was MOST concerned about this one and didn't want to upset him at all! Fortunately, the owner had a visitor and the dogs attention shifted to him. All I can say was it a signing that didn't go fast enough.
Getting back to my main point though - what would you say your ratio is regarding signings with vs without dogs. I'd say mine is running about 80/20. (80 with 20 without).
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Messages in this Thread
 Dogs! - Paul2_FL on 7/23/05 10:00pm
 Re: Dogs! - Lee/AR on 7/23/05 10:34pm
 Re: Dogs! - Joan-OH on 7/23/05 11:46pm
 Re: Dogs! - Luci/CA on 7/24/05 12:18am
 Re: Dogs! Agree -- Arf-Arf Grrrrr! n/m - John_NorCal on 7/24/05 12:48am
 Re: Dogs! Agree -- Arf-Arf Grrrrr! n/m - calipat/ca on 7/24/05 2:03am
 80/20 That have dogs -  Teasa Mahar on 7/24/05 8:28am
 Re: Dogs! -  CarolynCO on 7/24/05 2:31pm
 Re: Dogs!--Carolyn & Pryor - Great minds... -  BrendaTX on 7/24/05 3:37pm
 Re: Dogs! - jojo_MN on 7/24/05 9:04am
 How to occupy a dog during a signing - Hampton/CA on 7/24/05 10:47am
 Re: How to occupy a dog during a signing - LawrenceOK on 7/24/05 11:17am
 Re: How to occupy a dog during a signing - LynnNC on 7/24/05 11:40am
 You never fail to give me a laugh, Hampton - thx...:) n/m - TitleGalCA on 7/24/05 2:37pm
 Great! - Melody on 7/24/05 5:11pm
 Re: Dogs! - JurneiCA on 7/24/05 10:53am
 Re: Dogs! - Paul2_FL on 7/24/05 11:22am
 Re: Dogs! - LawrenceOK on 7/24/05 11:44am
 Gonna Get a Sirianni Doll/Perfect - Teasa/NY on 7/24/05 12:24pm
 Re: Gonna Get a Sirianni Doll/Perfect - GREAT POST... -  BrendaTX on 7/24/05 1:13pm
 Re: Dogs! - KAY RHODEN on 7/24/05 5:30pm

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