When I get a dog that is a bother, I just pull out my Thomas Sirianni doll and toss it across the room. Then I say, "Bad man! Get him!"
At that, the dog bristles and chases after the doll, which he proceeds to tear apart with his teeth and eat. Once finished, the dog will usually wander off to a corner where he gets sick and.... removes the Thomas Sirianni doll from his stomach.
What a mess! Pieces of Siranni all over the floor! It's just awful!
If the dog recovers before the signing is over and wanders back to the signing table, I take out my Vital Signings doll and hand it to the dog, who promptly chomps down on it. The doll has a boatload of paper in it's hand, and I tell the dog, "Take this doll into the other room and fax back all those papers and then wait for them to call you back."
The dog turns and walks away, grumbling, "What a bunch of crap. I don't have the time to fax back all this junk!"
I then complete the signing and leave, while the dog is still feeding papers into the fax machine. |