I'm a dog person myself. I grew up with a German Sherpherd (sp?). We had three cockers at one time (plus several pups that were sold) when my son was growing up - plus all the other animals -- hampsters, snake, box turtle, etc., etc. The three cockers were bang-bang-bang in age and we lost them all very close to each other. Now we have one cocker to replace the three. As with you, Sandy also thinks I've been cheating on her when I get home.
I've done signings with dog heads in my lap, my feet going to sleep because a huge monster was sleeping on them under the table, small dogs sitting in my lap during the signing. I've had many borrowers offer to lock them up, but it's *their* i.e., the dogs house and I'm the visiter. I've gotten so I so packing treats in my briefcase for the dogs if the borrowers say it's okay.
I would say that probably 80% of my signings include dogs.
I'm not a cat person, so I'm not warm and fuzzy with the cats during the signing. |