I read with interest your dilemma at having been burned by a signing company. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind.
1. Was the reschedule due to something you had done, causing the documents to have to be resigned? If this is the case, which probably is not, one signing fee would be the norm and, in my opinion, you would need to accommodate the reschedule despite what you could have scheduled with other companies.
2. If the reschedule is due to a lender error or change in terms, etc., or possibly due to the negligence of the signing company itself, (meaning not due to an error on your part), in my opinion, you are under no obligation to reschedule during a time when you could have taken on other business, unless the Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) you have with this signing company indicates otherwise. In my opinion, if resignings are not addressed in your ICA, the signing company, lender, and borrower would have to accommodate your schedule, or look for another notary.
Furthermore, you should have been paid two signing fees, although, I know some signing companies do not pay for cancellations and require you to accept this practice under their (ICA). I, myself, try to only work for companies that pay (even if it is only half) for cancellations. I did my part... prepared for the signing, including dressing professionally, even if I had no other signings that day... traveled to the destination... spent whatever time there... over-nighted the doc's to be returned to the lender... and traveled back home. I did my part... I should be paid something.
Good luck to you! |